Hi everyone,
This week's book was courtesy of NetGalley. It's a little irritating for me because these copies still have a lot of typos but the story itself was very enjoyable.
Blood Orange Soda by James Michael Larranaga
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
There are so many vampire YA books out there that it was refreshing to read one with a twist. One in which the main character is a teenage boy. Darius is a Goth teenager dealing with a lot of the issues we all faced in high school, including a bully who makes life miserable for him. At the same time, he is taking Reds (a medication that the government supplies to keep people with vampire blood from turning into vampires.) So he is faced with the decision of deciding to go off the Reds or live life as a "Normal." He is also coming to terms with the fact that his mom is dying from an incurable disease. Should he go off the Reds and take "Blood Orange Soda"? It is an illegal drink that will help him speed up the process of transforming and give him a fighting chance at defeating this tormentor. I don't want to give the story away but I really enjoyed the characters, especially Darius. He is believable and just a normal kid, underneath all that "guyliner."
View all my reviews
Keep a look out for this book...it's due to be released in March 2014.
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